Author Archives: Grant

The Error of the Indeterminate Detention Decision of the High Court

The inheritors of the parliamentary system of government, of magna carta and the writ of habeas corpus ought to be stalwart defenders of the principles of English liberty which blesses the citizens of our Australian Commonwealth, it is these principles … Read More

Settlement and Reconciliation

Arthur Calwell, the former leader of the Australian Labor Party and minister for Immigration since Ben Chifley was a stalwart defender of the White Australia Policy. Calwell, in his 1972 autobiography “Be Just and Fear Not” described his view that … Read More

On Ethnogenesis and Nativism

Nativism in the Australian context is not, and has never been a principle for the extinguishment of ties between Australian identity and our British ethnic heritage. Nativism hinges upon a simple question: Are we Australians of British heritage or are … Read More

Are you a roundhead? or a cavalier?

There’s two ways of thought in this ever developing ideological milieu. When it comes to the organisation of people; there are crucial discussions to be had as to how it should be done. The English civil war was a bloody … Read More

Dropping the Hyphen

When I was around five or six my parents had some friends over from out of town. I was playing on the classic cityscape carpet when the husband turned and asked me “what are you Rowan?” Enthusiastically I replied “Hungarian!” … Read More

The quarter-acre block in Australia

Presented to Canberra branch of the Australian Natives’ Association, 25 January 2023 The quarter acre block: a detached house and garden, usually in the suburbs among other similar blocks. The quarter-acre block was a distinctively Australian innovation that flourished roughly … Read More

Australia Day – Worthy of Celebration

Australia Day, formerly known as ANA day was a deliberately organised effort by the Australian Natives’ Association to bring about a reoccurring celebration of the rich heritage and progress of our nationality. A Contributor to the West Australian Gnowangerup Times … Read More

Is it about Optics or Honour?

Nativists embrace Australia’s cultural and ethnic heritage not because it’s strategically savvy but because we believe in doing justice to our cultural heritage. We have no interest in casting off the hard-won efforts of the hundreds of years leading to … Read More

How the Murray was Won

Throughout history positive change has been accomplished by men who acted. It wasn’t delivered by men who were purely eloquent at speech or who could most effectively plead victimhood at the challenges they faced. The heights of the success achieved … Read More

Curtin and Australia’s Independence Day.

This week it is now eighty-one years since John Curtin and the Australian Labor Party assumed government over the Australian Commonwealth. The ineffective war-preparation efforts (most famously Bob Menzies & Jo Lyons export of Pig Iron to the Japanese, this … Read More

Winding back the Clock on Radicalism & Extremism

All staunch Nationalists persistently struggle with the temptation to embrace the boogeyman identity which our political opponents paint us with. Does it not strike up inner satisfaction when you fearlessly take upon the tarnished label that has been cast at … Read More

Endurance or Burnout

Among the most significant setbacks to the cause of Australian Nationalism in the last five decades has been the well-intentioned endeavor to focus entirely on a campaign to ‘agitate’ to victory. The view being held that the average citizen in … Read More

200,000 Migrants Per Year

The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) has continued to work its advocacy for bringing up the annual migrant intake, among its 10 goals of improving Australia’s ‘economic performance’ by 2050. With the target of 200,000 skilled migrants, not-to … Read More