About Us

About Us

Nurturing Community, Fostering Solidarity, Building Tomorrow

'Our Own for Our Own'

Embracing tradition, fostering community, and upholding values. We support our members through camaraderie, character development, and mutual benefit. Join us in shaping Australia’s future together.

Who We Are

The ANA is an incorporated fraternal organisation dedicated to fostering a strong sense of community among its members.  With a rich history dating back to 1871, the ANA has a tradition of improving members’ social, financial and moral wellbeing.

Our members meet regularly, for social gatherings, debates, dinner parties and career advancement assistance. Our members are encouraged to engage in the outdoors, including hikes and camping trips, as well to give back to the community, through charity and environmental cleanups.

We are dedicated to the promotion of Australian culture and sense of identity, as well as the development of a naturalised, European-descent community, in line with our Charter of Principles.

We are not a political party or an ‘activist organisation’

Our Current Branches

Based out of Melbourne, the Victorian Branch encompasses the entire state.
Home to the original branch No 1 of 1871, Melbourne is once again home to a chapter of the Australian Natives Association – the chief objects being the establishment of a community for Australian men, advocacy for Australian ideals and the advancement of the social and moral wellbeing of members.
The Canberra branch is based in our capital and encompasses the Canberra and Monaro regions.

The Australian Natives Association Canberra & Monaro branch is has been active since 2015, following on from the original ANA Branch formed in 1927 which lived until the mid 20th century.

Based out of Brisbane, the branch currently encompasses the entire state of Queensland.
The original branch of the Australian Natives Association in Brisbane was formed in 1885; The spiritual continuation of which was announced in 2018 with the formation of a new branch of the association.