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Two Legacies Honoured

It is fortuitous for our association that, of all the triumph and tragedy to emerge from Australia’s nation-defining experience in the Great War, the anniversary of the Gallipoli landing has been chosen above all else as the lasting monument to … Read More

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Remembering the War for White Australia

Lest we forget. It is the phrase around which Anzac Day commemorations revolve; the raison d’etre of the entire day. And yet, ironically, it seems we are increasingly expected to forget much of the Anzac legacy, particularly where it intersects with matters … Read More

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Jumping Into Nationalism

Most people who will read this post understand that white Australians need to organise if they are to maintain any degree of political power in Australia. The reason that many people won’t get involved is simple: fear.  In this post, … Read More

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Banjo Paterson Night and the Creation of National Culture

On Saturday evening, 17 February, the Victorian branch of the Australian Natives’ Association hosted its inaugural Banjo Paterson Night in honour of the 160th birthday of our unofficial national poet. The evening included speeches and discussions about Paterson’s life and … Read More

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The Romantic Impulse and Australian Culture: A Reflection on Banjo Paterson Day

It’s Banjo Paterson Day today, and I thought I had better write a reflection on why this day is so important to Australian Nationalists. Nationalism, not as a descriptive term but as a positive ideology, was hugely influenced by the … Read More

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Governor’s Australia Day Address

The following is transcribed from the Governor’s address to the ANA membership Friends, Australia isn’t just a continent, nor is it just an economic zone to be pillaged by international finance. Australia is a nation state. It’s the synthesis of … Read More

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Why Australia Day?

An address to the men of the Australian Natives’ Association Victorian Branch We gather here today in recognition of our national day – Australia Day. That we should do so, as nationalists, is hardly surprising. And yet it seems our … Read More

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The Error of the Indeterminate Detention Decision of the High Court

The inheritors of the parliamentary system of government, of magna carta and the writ of habeas corpus ought to be stalwart defenders of the principles of English liberty which blesses the citizens of our Australian Commonwealth, it is these principles … Read More

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Disunity in Diversity

Log on to any Australian news website and you will be led to believe that the most important issue facing our nation and its people is the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas. Likewise, tune into any Parliamentary debate or … Read More

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The Koorie Coup: Aboriginal Power Grabs in Victoria

While the news media has focused heavily on the upcoming referendum to enshrine an Aboriginal lobby group into the constitution (“The Voice”), little attention has been paid to or analysis provided of Victoria’s experiences with promoting so-called “Aboriginal self determination” … Read More

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