Blog – Masonry Sidebar

Masonry Blog + Sidebar

‘What do you actually do?’

The fair question that is posed to members of the ANA by interested parties and by our critics amongst the more broader patriotic community is ‘what do you actually do’, and more broadly, ‘why do you do it’ First. it … Read More

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Enduring the Long March

When a person has mentally arrived at a better understanding of the trajectory of this country and the reasons for its decline they naturally, and rightfully become wound up with anger, frustration and despair. There can be no credible argument … Read More

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Indefinite Detention and Stephensen’s Australia First Movement

            “While the storm clouds gather, far across the sea, Let us swear allegiance to a land that’s free”                         – God Bless America, written by Irving Berlin in 1917, sung by Kate Smith and broadcasted to Americans on Armistice … Read More

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Poem from an anonymous Rhodesian – putting pen to paper

After all have come and gone We will remain shadows Of a forgotten Past   Those that follow After we are long forgotten Will say:   Here stayed men of substance Therefore I pray God bless all sons of Rhodesia … Read More

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Islam is right (about banking)

Australia’s first Islamic bank is projected to begin operations in 2025. Islam prohibits usury, so this bank advertises “profit-share” on deposit accounts, and “interest-free” loans in which the bank takes a sort of partnership role with borrowers, sharing in the … Read More

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Celebrating Wattle Day

The planting of wattle trees has, for obvious reasons, long been at the heart of Wattle Day commemorations. The original conception of the day, however, involved something more substantial. In her excellent article “Wattle Nationalism”, which presents an overview of … Read More

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Refugees in Australia

Since time immemorial, nations and their laws have recognised the right of refugees to seek asylum from oppression and abuses of power. Notions of protecting legitimate refugees varied from time to time however were codified most famously in the United … Read More

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Crossing the Rubicon to Nativism

“I believe that we are today crossing the Rubicon. There can be no turning back” – State President P.W Botha, Durban, August 1985. The events in the United Kingdom we have witnessed in the past week are historic. For 18 … Read More

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Fleeting Nativism during the China Virus 

Contributed: James Smith  The 2020 – 2022 China Virus pandemic was a wild time. Destructive for small businesses during the lockdowns, depressing for extroverts stuck at home, repressive limits on civil liberties, Australians forced into taking the vaccine with coercive … Read More

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Celebrating Victoria Day

When we nativists speak of Australian identity, we tend to do so as though it were a monolithic entity. We do so for practical reasons, of course; in seeking to resist the forces of multiculturalism, it is far simpler to … Read More

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