Search Results for Elias priestly

Jumping Into Nationalism

Most people who will read this post understand that white Australians need to organise if they are to maintain any degree of political power in Australia. The reason that many people won’t get involved is simple: fear.  In this post, … Read More

The Romantic Impulse and Australian Culture: A Reflection on Banjo Paterson Day

It’s Banjo Paterson Day today, and I thought I had better write a reflection on why this day is so important to Australian Nationalists. Nationalism, not as a descriptive term but as a positive ideology, was hugely influenced by the … Read More

Wattle Day and Nationalist Ecology

With Wattle Day coming up again this Friday, as we joyfully greet the Australian Spring season, it is worth considering the meaning of this holiday in its nationalist ecological dimension. I do not take nationalism and ecology as two separate … Read More

Principles and Goals of an Australia First Position

The call for an “Australia First” position has a long history in Australian nationalism. It goes back to at least P.R. Stephensen and his Australia First Movement, which drew on nativist and radical nationalist ideas to build a motley crew … Read More

The Fundamental Importance of Labourism

Labour, work, radical politics. All important parts of Australian history and our contemporary situation. Our question is: what is our task? The answer: we seek to shape and build the future of the Australian nation. The worker, the representative of … Read More

Nostalgia and the New in Nationalism

Look at Tom Robert’s The Big Picture and imagine being present at that wonderful time of Federation when Australia was maturing into a nation out of its infancy in the British Empire! When we look at these pictures of the … Read More

The Riskiest Thing You Can Do is Nothing

One of the main things that stops people getting involved in nationalism is the risk. What if I get doxxed? What if my life is ruined? The conclusion these blokes reach is that it’s far too risky to get involved … Read More

A Nationalism of Australian Culture within Western Civilisation

A couple of years ago, there was a large amount of controversy in universities and in the press over the establishment of The Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation in Australia, and especially over its goal to finance tertiary courses with … Read More

The Problem of Surrogate Activities

With the recent passing of Theodore John Kaczynski, the notorious Unabomber and critic of industrial society, it seems timely to raise the ubiquitous modern problem of surrogate activities. In fact, I think surrogate activities are one of the biggest problems … Read More

A Short Introduction to Political Platonism for Nativists

It was in New Zealand, right across the ditch, that Karl Popper wrote The Open Society and Its Enemies in the final years of WWII, a book that sought to prevent the ideological re-emergence of challenges to progressive liberalism right … Read More


Australian Fraternity For the advancement of the social, political and moral circumstances of our members; and promotion of our Australian heritage. About Learn about the ANA → Charter Read our Charter of Principles → Join Investigate joining the ANA → … Read More