Author Archives: Rowan

Governor’s Australia Day Address

The following is transcribed from the Governor’s address to the ANA membership Friends, Australia isn’t just a continent, nor is it just an economic zone to be pillaged by international finance. Australia is a nation state. It’s the synthesis of … Read More

Disunity in Diversity

Log on to any Australian news website and you will be led to believe that the most important issue facing our nation and its people is the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas. Likewise, tune into any Parliamentary debate or … Read More

Kanakas: then and now

Between 1863-1908 approximately 60,000 Melanesians were brought to Australia as labourers in the pastoral and sugar cane industries. Many of these labourers were brought to Australia by way of ‘blackbirding,’ a term given to obtaining foreign labour by deception or … Read More

India’s Albo

On May 24th, one of the most embarrassing moments in the recent history of our country occurred. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese shared the stage at Homebush with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, joined by 21,000 Indians, as part of Modi’s … Read More