Author Archives: Contributor

Poem from an anonymous Rhodesian – putting pen to paper

After all have come and gone We will remain shadows Of a forgotten Past   Those that follow After we are long forgotten Will say:   Here stayed men of substance Therefore I pray God bless all sons of Rhodesia … Read More

Crossing the Rubicon to Nativism

“I believe that we are today crossing the Rubicon. There can be no turning back” – State President P.W Botha, Durban, August 1985. The events in the United Kingdom we have witnessed in the past week are historic. For 18 … Read More

Fleeting Nativism during the China Virus 

Contributed: James Smith  The 2020 – 2022 China Virus pandemic was a wild time. Destructive for small businesses during the lockdowns, depressing for extroverts stuck at home, repressive limits on civil liberties, Australians forced into taking the vaccine with coercive … Read More