Enduring the Long March

When a person has mentally arrived at a better understanding of the trajectory of this country and the reasons for its decline they naturally, and rightfully become wound up with anger, frustration and despair. There can be no credible argument against the fact that we are living in a period of time of both cultural and moral decline whilst simultaneously our ethnicity is being displaced (in terms of overall voting share, institutional power and hegemony) by an unending tidal wave of Non-European migrants.

Those people with courage, conviction, the natural instinct of self-preservation and as passionate love of their own kindred, when arriving at these factual realities, naturally want to change the course of our future, and often find themselves knocking on the door of one dissident political group or another, The ANA included. We, are among a host of organisations that have existed over many decades, responding to similar issues, and similar themes, although responding in different ways.

One eternal truth is most people are impatient and are unwilling to do the work necessary to offer any actual enduring resistance to the forces of international capital that have us bound to the tracks of consumerist, deracinated modernity. Most new entrants, particularly those in a younger age bracket, expect that ‘the truth as they see it’ is a roaring lion, that will tear its way through society and drive for political change on its own merits.

The young entrant often expects, in a few short years of brave activism, he will be able to cause a paradigm shift in the national consciousness, he will be able to affect real and meaningful change at a national scale. Theoretically, this is possible yes, but there have not been many (if any) examples of this in the age of mass-propaganda and corporatist repression, it is in-fact more likely, that a group of young activists invoke the wrath of the Commonwealth government, and the most well equipped (both legally and financially) forces in civil society. The activist, too often has entered battle “unarmed”, that is to say, in civil society, cash is your shield, and legal representation is your sword, and more often than not, activists have neither shield nor sword.

Activists of this kind are martyrs, happy to die for their cause. Despite their great resolve and spirit, they will “die”, by imprisonment or by being burned out, they will be counted in that permanent loss to the potential ranks of a permanent nationalist movement in this country. This is something that has rung too for many years, and continues to be the case to this day.

But what is the alternative to this selfless martyr activism? The ANA’s model of organising is not beyond criticism, we are a slow-moving machine that places endurance and risk management at the heart of our thought and planning. We are not willing to send our men into the field of battle unarmed as the martyrs do, we are bent on ensuring we have the institutional ability to support our men, through what we have had to accept will be a generational struggle, over decades or more. To some, this is cowardice, To others, this is the strategy of people who play to win.

Decades? This for many, is too much. It is the natural frustration that comes with the recognition of the long timescale of this battle which has led many to despair and to consequentially be lost. The newchum nationalist can often see around them, things getting worse and consequentially feel like their time and effort spent in building institutions is time wasted, they feel the sand of Australia slipping out between their fingers. This is a shared frustration with the activist, who, despite all his efforts, is continually brow-beaten by the media, by law enforcement and by lobby groups and will burn out as nothing ever changes in spite of his enormous personal sacrifices.

So what is the solution? Patience, Resolve and Continuity.

All dedicated men must remind the newchum nationalist that there is no quick and easy solution to this problem. There are no shortcuts, and nobody is coming to rescue us. If we want anything remote to survival as a nation, we must be willing to work hard for it, to be patient, to play as it were the art of war. We must endure and survive so we can continue to develop and grow upon successes, both in terms of manpower, narrative control and institutional strength in property and money. We must practice the art of management and statecraft within our own communities, cultivate the skills and credibility to lead when the opportunity will naturally arise in circumstances of balkanization and civil disorder.

The alternative to patience and resolve is simply to repeat the mistakes of the past, to gather a group of energised men, to charge into battle unarmed, to be defeated, and to take casualties, only for the cycle to repeat again and again, decade to decade, every time with nationalists permanently lost to the cause through attrition. Every time of course, the position of the nation being worse off than the last attempt. We must focus on retention of members, to temper their expectations and to inspire in them confidence in the fruits that will be born by strategic, risk-based planning, patience, and absolute resolve to see to the welfare of our children and the posterity of our nation.

The Scripture says that people do not live by bread alone, this is true, and in this context, we must remind the newchum, that Nationalists do not live by politics alone. The excitement and fascination with ideology, political history and current affairs is not enough to sustain a person through the long march. The charter of principles of our association calls for all men to portion politics into one segment of their lives that are otherwise full and well-lived. All men should have careers, families, hobbies, religion and other elements that make up their identity, purpose and satisfaction in life. It is no doubt that many young men have been lost over the years because their entire purpose and identity was their politics, they drew no satisfaction from the other inescapable elements of life that all men must possess to be healthy and to have a true and material reason to keep up the fight.

Nativists are custodians of our national identity, we owe a duty to those young nationalists to come to instruct them in this philosophy, so that we may continue to grow steadily, to hold firm no matter what direction the wind blows on this continent, to ensure that no matter what happens, we hand to our children a better legacy than what was handed to us. We must build the roads that the soldiers of our cause will walk upon in the future and build the families that will constitute the future body of our nationality.

To all those who feel tired, frustrated and exhausted, pull your chin up, look to the future and ask yourself, what is the confident road we must travel to secure progress and security for our people.

Unless the results of this war are to be thrown away, you have
to take up that work which was only begun at Anzac and Pozières,
at Broodseinde and Villers Bretonneux. You have to fight. It will
need exceeding bravery. It will need independence of decision,
firm will, brilliant thought. You have to decide whether you will
live and make your business for yourself—or for Australia. The
two will always clash. Yourself or your nation? Will you give your
life purely to money-making and pleasure-making? Or will you
give your life and thought—whatever trials it cost, whatever
bravery it need—to Australia, just as those great men did whose
crosses lie about the foot of Shrapnel Valley and amid the old
grass-tufted shell craters at Pozières?

C. W. Bean ‘Its in your hands Australians’, 1919

M. K. Grant
National Governor

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