Discussion on Entryism

In our latest Natives’ Rouseabout podcast there was some discussion on the subject of entryism. Many know the ANA has generally stood against entryism as a course of action at this point in time, however, there has not been a long-form explanation as to why that is the case, this article will be a first endeavor to discuss the subject and why I am still not of the opinion it is a good or beneficial strategic movement in the current environment.

Some have contested, as it was said on the podcast, that it is simply ‘a waste of time’ and that resources might be better spent elsewhere in no-compromise Nationalist advocacy. This is true on its own face in my view, we must ‘change votes, not chase them’ . The only exception to this, is if you conducted entryism with a forthright, non-compromising outward position on nationalism and somehow did not get expelled from the party.

Credibility in your political leadership in the long-term relies upon you remaining true to form on your message, and not flip-flopping to appease the audience, whether that be the general public, or the meeting of your local liberal branch. “Playing your cards close to your chest” in that context has no value other than to diminish trust people may have in you at a later date when you reveal your true hand: revealing your dishonesty – if that ever happens.

The real risk of entryism, is not that you waste time, or lose the benefit of where your efforts might have otherwise been spent: the real risk is that you succeed in your objective and become entrenched into a position where you have spent years of blood, sweat and tears to win over votes, donors and lobby groups to support your candidate, and in doing so have dropped the mantle of nationalism and, due to your deep investment: lose the willpower to “show your hand”. Even worse, as I have seen in my decade, many young, straight-thinking nationalists being employed by the party machine as staffers.

Comfortable jobs from the party leads to stability, comfort, and for those who provide for a wife and children, those employed become unwilling to break party policy and advocate for a nationalist position, they become completely neutralized, towing the line or worse: they, over the course of the years morally justify their departure from the nationalist ideal to themselves to justify their own cowardice – something until that point is a constant source of torment within their conscience. They have spat on our heritage and sold out the future generations for their own privilege.

There is more to be said on this though, beyond these broad-stroke issues, there is the strategic considerations of actually engaging in entryism. On the podcast, John Lawson noted his belief that it was the bad information security that led to the Young Nationals takeover in 2016 to destruction; that is partially true, but far from the whole truth.

One problem that entryists must be fully aware of, is that the party machine, particularly the paid up staffers who are employed by the party have no interest in the party being taken over by nationalists; and any dirty trick in the book that is available to them, will be used. What could an investigative journalist enjoy more, than a scandal which can be used to smear a party and to gain headlines, such as a nationalist beachhead within a parliamentary party.

The Young Nationals expose’ truly came at the hands of a female staffer in Nationals who had access to the membership rolls, identified the votes for the nationalist people elected to the executive and leaked their personal information to the media. I spoke to one of these people two days ago who revealed, he received a phone call on his mobile phone from a journalist, there was simply no other way the journalist obtained his number had it not been for a leak within the national party of membership rolls.

This is not the only example of this, but the “left-faction” or whatever you want to call it from these mainstream conservative parties, have no honor, and will fabricate stories, leak to the media amongst a host of other dirty tricks just to eliminate any competition they have. If you are in the party and have outspoken beliefs, expect a call from a Journalist and the follow up hit piece in the media.

Journalists are more interested in entryists than nationalists on the outside, because their real objective is to hurt the political party and get good headlines by showing its affiliation with nationalism. Busting nationalists is just a secondary gain to them, something they have less time and effort for, particularly in relation to an organisation like ours.

And what about the NSW Liberal right faction? Urbanchic and the Uglies. In 1977 they had formed the Liberal Ethnic Council, and although Urbanchic was behind the scenes an advocate for a White Australia and the survival of Rhodesia, his public-facing advocacy was terribly compromised and to the uninitiated was simply a “good conservative”, he was politically neutralised as I discussed above, for fear of the party machine, the donors, the special interests – he had no manhood to stand up for what he believed in and had become so entrenched into his compromised position, had little interest in doing so.

What of David Clark? Over 16 years in the NSW Legislative assembly, a great success for the right-faction of the NSW Liberals who was stacked with nationalists and quasi-nationalists, the Sydney Traditionalists faction, the inheritor of all that was believed to be good of Urbanchic – yet no compelling speeches in the hansard, no defense of founding stock Australians. Here is another “success” story of entryism which rings true the old expression which Dr Jim Saleam had spoken some years ago: “You do not take over the liberal party, the liberal party takes over you.”

The answer is not another minor party, there has been dozens that rise and fall due to incompetence and incredibility.

Political success I have come to believe is downstream from real political success in religion, culture, art, law, commerce and industry. A disciplined, competent, serious and credible vanguard of Nationalists must be raised up from the founding stock of this country in order to offer a serious challenge to pirates that are currently pillaging our Commonwealth. We need a vanguard with meaningful power in all sectors of our society to begin to embark on electoral advocacy: horse before the cart – this day we promise, is coming near.

M. K. Grant,
National Governor
December 2024

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