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Revision as of 01:51, 27 September 2024

An immortal post from a natsoc with an issue not crashing his car under the influence.

I've been natsoc since you cunts were doing home ec, boots and braces on my own. Skin head soldier. 14/88 till the day I die. You cunts just realised this was a thing, you just got here, I've been riiculed and laughed at going on 15 years for this cause and you cunts just turn up and think you have a right to tell me what you think is best? Did you earn your red laces? Did you live the 14 words? Did you do time for the cause? Na cunt ya didn't, you call me a degenerate for how Il ook, and how I act, but this movement made me!Cunt you all just got here. Welcome "Brothers" 88 and fuck you