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David Unaipon, A full-blooded Aboriginie, from the x clan in South Australia.

"My view on the native question can best be expressed in the following lines by Bryant - "I take it our duty is not only feeding them, clothing them or contributing to their temporal support when other calamities overtake them, but a much greater duty is rendered them when they are led to a more elevated plane of thought by ideals which stimulate to self development."

"Love the Bible, Why, every morning I have made it a practice to read it to my little boy to repeat every morning these two texts: 'Teach me, O Lord, the way of thy statutes' and 'Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.' The bible is thhe book for the whole family of man. My people had only grim gropings after the truth, but this book shows me clearly the way of salvation. The Bible is the grandest book I know, I never go about without my Bible. I never go on a journey, or on business without a Testament in my pocket. Look at me, and you will see what the Bible can do.

Sixty or seventy years ago my people were wandering about with spears and boomerangs, living in their wild and savage life; but the coming of the Gospel ahs changed all this, and I stand as one of many who have been brought out of darkness into light, and from the power of satan unto God. My favorite hymn is 'At even ere tho sun has set', and there is one line in it that I can prove to be true to my own conversion: It is this:- 'Thy touch has still its ancient power.' Such a testimony should cheer all who are striving to uplift the native races of Australia." <ref>Harvard/Australian citation 1911 'Australia's Cleverest Darkie.', The Richmond River Herald and Northern Districts Advertiser (NSW : 1886 - 1942), 19 December, p. 4. , viewed 15 Oct 2023, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126476311</ref>